Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Okay, I wimped out

It was a Monday like any other Monday. I dragged myself out of bed and prepared myself for the ordeal that is work, knowing that ugly surprises awaited me. But Monday is also OHP day in my current routine, and that's fine. The only problem is, between work distractions that followed me home and the behavior of two ornery kids, I just wasn't into it.

That means I cut things a bit short. I had expanded the OHP workout to include Pendlay rows in addition to chin-ups and dips, but yesterday I did only three sets of chins and dips and skipped the Pendlays altogether.

Yes, I wimped out.

On a positive note, however, I was able to complete a full five reps at 125 on the press, 10 lbs. more than the most I've done recently, and I could've done more. I'm in the peak week of my second Wendler cycle, so this week I will be doing the heaviest lifts on the big movements. If I had completed only one rep or two at 125, it would've been considered a successful workout, but I did five, so that's a real accomplishment.

Next week is supposed to be the deload week, but I'm seriously tempted to see what I can do at 135. But maybe not.

The plan hatching in my head right now is to deload next week and focus on reps and volume for the assistance work, which means doing all of the extra movements I decided to add for this cycle, but have, ahem, occasionally skipped.

It looks like I'm well on track to hit some recent personal bests on the main lifts. I say recent personal bests because I'm still not close to my all-time bests on any of the main lifts. But I'm still making progress. This should give me some good momentum going into the deload week to be able come out on the other side rested and ready to take some big strides forward.

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