Friday, June 15, 2012

Deload is over

Week 4 is in the books. Now I'm mentally preparing myself for BBB next week, the first week of cycle 3 for me on Wendler 5/3/1. I have a feeling I'm going to like BBB a lot. I'm thinking now maybe I've done things in reverse order of what I should have. I should have started with BBB and then cycled over to the Triumvirate after a few cycles. So I'm backwards. I still think it will work well.

Today I honestly wasn't quite sure exactly what I was going to do for my squat workout; all I knew for sure was that I'd made up my mind to skip the assistance work and do more sets of squats instead. The plan I'd sketched out using Black Iron Beast called for three sets of squats, topping out at 140. Instead, I topped out at 155 and then proceeded to do two more sets at 155 followed by three sets at 135 and finishing with a set at 95.

I knew I was working light and I knew I was performing more reps than usual, but it wasn't until midway through the workout that I realized I could make it an even 100 reps of squats across those ten sets. All I needed to do was average 10 reps per set. Since I did 5 reps in the last warm-up, that meant I needed to make up those 5 reps in the remaining sets. So I did 12 reps in two of the sets at 135 and finished with 15 reps at 95. In the end, it wasn't an even 100 reps; I think it was more like 104. Success!

I'm very seriously considering picking up a copy of Randall J. Strossen's Super Squats. I've already experimented in 20-rep squatting, and I think it could form the foundation of a solid workout plan. I may make a impulsive decision to quit Wendler midstream in cycle 3 to focus more on the squat. It certainly wouldn't hurt, given that the squat is by far my weakest movement proportionally.

Well, that's it for two cycles of Wendler. We'll have to wait and see what the future holds.

Check it out on Fitocracy.

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