Monday, March 1, 2010

Two-a-days: March 1

Sometimes the best way to get motivated to do something is just not to think so much about it. Last night at bedtime, I set the alarm for 4:10am with the intent of getting in a workout. Usually, before a workout I try to maintain my motivation and clarify the plan by visualizing myself performing the exercises in order.

This time I didn't go through the same visualization routine over and over. I had the plan in my mind, I'd visualized it before. This time, I actually just refused to think about it before turning in. I didn't want to because sometimes thinking too much about it can actually ruin my motivation.

When the alarm buzzed this morning, I didn't even think about resetting it. I jumped up, got dressed and ran down to the home gym.

I'm sticking with the supersets, so I performed six sets the following with no rest between movements:

Seated row
Reverse-grip pulldown
Preacher curl

I tried to keep the repetitions of each in the 8-10 range, but that wasn't always possible in the succeeding exercises or the later sets.

Afterwards, I did a set of step-ups, 15 reps each leg and then finished up with five minutes on the stair climber.

Workout number two this evening consisted of 25 minutes on the treadmill at varying speeds from 3.5 mph to 5.0 mph. I started out at 3.5 then would bump it up to 4.0 for a minute or two then back down to 3.5. Then I bumped it up to 4.5 and did the last few minutes at 5.0 followed by a two-minute cooldown at 3.0.

Hopefully, I'll have the energy to jump up at 4am again tomorrow for the first of two workouts. I've found that it seems to be easier to get the weight training over with in the morning and then the cardio in the evening. For some reason, it's a lot easier to jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the evening than to go through a weight training workout.

We'll see how it goes. The weight training plan for tomorrow is incline cable fly supersetted with incline bench press and incline dumbbell press.

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