Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 2

Hopped up at 4am once again for another workout. This time I focused on chest movements.

The following exercises made up the giant sets:

Cable fly
Incline bench press on the Powertec Workbench
Incline dumbbell press (3 sets at different inclines)
Triceps pressdown

Once again, I performed each exercise back-to-back-to-back with no rest between sets. I did a light warm-up of flies, incline press and incline dumbbell press. After that I moved up to a weight on the flies at which I could do 8 reps and that was to failure. On the incline press, I put 180 pounds on the rack. After doing the flies, at this weight on the inclines I was able to perform 6 reps.

I then moved to the incline dumbbell press. I used 35-pound dumbbells. After the flies and the incline presses, I was able to do 8 reps in the first set, then I dropped the bench down a notch and performed 6 reps in the second set. I dropped it down a third notch and was able to squeeze out 5 reps in the final set.

From there I moved to the triceps pressdown on the Workbench. At 70 pounds I was able to do 4 reps. I wanted to keep the rep range higher, so I dropped the weight down to 50 for the remaining giant sets.

I performed this giant set rotation six times.

Again, I finished the workout with a set of step-ups followed by 5 minutes on the stair climber.

I skipped the evening workout this time around and took the following morning off. The Wednesday workout will be performed in the evening.

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