Monday, June 18, 2012

BBB: Day One

I decided to try something a little different this week, so I switched to Wendler's Boring but Big (BBB) program. It's the same split as the Triumvirate, the only real difference being that the focus is more on the primary movements. There's little in the way of assistance work.

I deliberately set my sights high for this cycle. I want to push the envelope hard in week three this time around.

Today is OHP day, and I wanted to go as high as I could while still being able to get in some good rep work. Yes, that's counter to the plan, but I just feel it's time I tested the boundaries a bit more. The 5/3/1 program always goes below maxes anyway, so I always know I can lift more. I intended to go up to 125 today, but I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and lifted 135 instead. I made up for it by dropping back down to 115 for five reps before continuing with the plan.

The "assistance" work consisted of five more sets of OHP at 75 lbs. supersetted with hanging leg raise. I hate hanging leg raises, but I did them anyway.

After completing three reps at 135, I know I can go up to 120 or 125 in next week's Monday workout, so I'm on track with what I intend to accomplish.

I like doing the extra sets of the primary movements. I believe this will help me progress better.

As always, it's logged on Fitocracy.

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