Saturday, May 12, 2012

Farmer's walk: Improve your grip strength

Today I gave the Farmer's walk a try with my 65-lb. dumbbells. I'll have to experiment with other options to be able to increase the weight. Right now, I think it's enough to do multiple laps around my "course" with the 65s. The course consists of the back yard. I measured from one end of the area I'm walking to the other at 60 feet.

I completed six "sets." The farthest I was able to go in any one set was about 240 feet, which amounts to four laps.

As you can see from the log on Fitocracy, I was wearing down fast in the last couple of sets. It was all I could do to complete two laps in the last set. The dumbbells were dangling from my fingers.

The one thing I learned from this is that if you want to improve your grip strength, I can think of nothing better than Farmer's walk.


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